MUT ALUMNI Welcomes You!

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MUT Alumni Relations congratulates new Convex

The Alumni Relations Office congratulates all the newly elected members and extends heartfelt thanks to everyone who participated in the election, whether by standing for office or casting a vote. “We are encouraged and excited to see an increase in alumni voting with each election. This reflects growing engagement and interest from our alumni community.”

Convocation, a statutory body, represents the University’s largest constituency – its alumni. It includes over 49,000 graduates, MUT academic staff, and retired academics who have served the University for at least 10 consecutive years.  Convocation is governed by its Constitution, the MUT Statute, and MUT Rules. The convocation body enables alumni to have a say in University matters, ensuring that the quality and reputation of their MUT qualification is maintained and strengthened.

Seven members have been elected to the new Convocation Executive Committee of Mangosuthu University of Technology, and two additional members have been chosen to serve as Convocation representatives on the University Council.

The Convex election took place between 30 August and 13 September 2024. A record 28 nominees participated, and over 4,600 votes were cast.

Details on the convocation election results can be found on the official Convocation election website, click here

Mr Sandile Dlamini

Convocation Executive Committee

Mr Sandile Dlamini – ND Finance and Accounting (MUT)

Deputy President
Mr Thokozani Hadebe – ND Electrical Engineering  (MUT)

Convocation Council Appointees

Mr Sandile Mbonambi – National Diploma Civil Engineering (MUT), Advanced Diploma Business Management (Mancosa)

Mr Njabulo Cele – ND Accounting MUT, BTech Taxation DUT , ND Civil Engineering MUT, ECSA Candidate Technician  

Additional members

  • Mr Njabulo Nshangase – National Diploma in Marketing, Advanced Diploma in Human Resources Management (MUT), Outreach Assistant at Alfred Duma Municipality 
  • MR SS Mathonsi – ND ACC (MUT) 2014, BTech CMACC (MUT), BTech CADM (DUT), Professional Accountant (SA) Tax Practitioner(SA), Founder and CEO @ Dunga Creation (Pty)Ltd
  • Ms Londiwe Mahlaba – National Diploma: Biomedical Technology (MUT), BTech Quality (DUT), Postgraduate Diploma: Project Management (MANCOSA). Registered Medical Technologist in the field of Virology,  worked in three different medical laboratories including the NICD 
  • Mr Sandile Mbonambi – National Diploma Civil Engineering (MUT), Advanced Diploma Business Management (Mancosa)

The 4R's

MUT has more than 42 000 alumni spread across South Africa, SADC and a sizable number overseas. These alumni take pride in MUT and are prepared to play a pivotal role in the development of MUT. They know where MUT has come from and; like MUT’s founding fathers, have the vision of elevating the MUT brand to greater heights.

The Alumni Relations Office knows that alumni will be the longest serving members of MUT. The alumni are the lifetime members of this university. They give testimony to this University which arose in a township simply to provide access to African students in 1979 when there was no Technikon for them in KwaZulu-Natal.

Great strides have been made by the Alumni Relations office to:

  • Reconnect MUT alumni with the university.
  • Revitalise alumni engagements with their alma mater, MUT.
  • To make alumni Reinvest into MUT, their time and money.
  • To help alumni rediscover progress at MUT and how they could be a part of the developments within MUT

The Alumni Relations office has wide-ranging activities for alumni engagement as well as enabling MUT alumni to perform any of these 4R’s:

Reconnect | Revitalise | Reinvest | Rediscover

Calling on all MUT Alumni
Let’s turn the page and create a lasting legacy together!

Dear MUT Alumni,

As proud graduates of MUT, you have undoubtedly experienced the transformative power of education and the support from our University community. You are living proof that education is for the public good. It is for this reason that we are reaching out to you with an exciting opportunity to give back to your alma mater, in a manner that would make a lasting impact on MUT and the next generation of students.

MUT Alumni "Building Bridges" Legacy

MUT Alumni “Building Bridges” Legacy

The Department of Institutional Advancement is striving for ways to support MUT in its advancement endeavours. One of the ways we can achieve this is by tapping into the wealth of knowledge and expertise within our alumni network. We invite you to return and share your expertise by running short courses and/or offering consultancy services in partnership with the Alumni Relations Office (ARO).

Why you should get involved

While many alumni would love to support the Alumni Bursary Fund in a significant way, not everyone has the financial resources to do so. That should not mean that individuals with limited financial resources cannot give back to their alma mater. Your expertise in providing mentorship, skills transfer, training and development, and your professional success would make a difference to the professional journeys of our current students and members of our community. Your involvement will contribute to the alumni resource mobilisation project aimed transforming the student experience for the better.

Nature of opportunities available

Short Courses: Consider teaching a short course or conducting a workshop in your area of expertise. This can be done in person or online.

Consultancy Services: Offer your consultancy services to meet and support real-world challenges.

Masterclasses: Host Masterclasses on relevant topics or participate in panel discussions and provide mentorship throughout the class.

We are in this together

The ARO is aware that this is an exciting and yet intimidating endeavour to undertake, which is why the ARO will be available to support you every step of the way in this journey. This is an opportunity for you to create a living legacy at MUT and we will be there to give you the support you need to make it happen.

To participate, please fill in the online form ( or contact our Alumni Relations Office at [email protected] or  031 907 7510. We would be happy to discuss potential collaboration opportunities and tailor your involvement to your schedule.

Join us in this exciting endeavour to give back and make a lasting impact. Create your living legacy at MUT!

SONDELA! Your time is now!


World Wildlife Day, and the theme is Recovering Species for Ecosystem Restoration. This day honours the diverse and beautiful forms of wild fauna and flora, as well as raising awareness of the numerous benefits that their conservation provides to people. We have alumni experts, a student and lecture, joining us to discuss this topic further.

Listen To The Podcast

Alumni Rising


What is Convocation?
The convocation consist of all graduates of the institution (alumni), current and former academic employees of the Institution as well as the university executive. The Convocation plays a role in linking former students with the Institution and it is a medium for communication and contact. One of the important roles of the convocation is to elect representatives to the University Council and to represent former students in the Institutional Forum.
Who are our alumni?
Persons who have received Diplomas, Degrees, Advanced Diplomas or Post-Graduate Diplomas and BTech from MUT
  • An abbreviation for the Convocation Executive Committee
  • It is an executive structure of Convocation
What does the MUT Convocation Executive Committee comprise of?
  • The President, who must not be a person employed by or a current student of MUT shall be an Ex Officio member
  • The Vice-President, an ex officio member who must neither be an employee nor student, He/She shall act on behalf of the president in his absence
  • The Vice Chancellor, as an ex officio
  • A representative of the Council appointed by the Council among its members
  • Two persons elected by the Convocation at the Annual General Meeting of Convocation
  • Alumni Relations Officer, as an ex officio member
  • The Secretariat-MUT Registrar
What is the Term of office for EXCO Members of Convocation
  • Exco Membership may serve for three years
  • Office bearers are not allowed to serve for more than three terms
Functions of the Convocation Executive Committee
  • To administer the affairs of the Convocation
  • To discuss and, on behalf of the Convocation, to state its opinion upon any matters relating to the University or to the Convocation, including matters that may be referred to it by the council
  • Subject to the consent and directions of the Principal and Vice-Chancellor, to solicit, and collect monies in the general interest of the University
  • To establish, support and maintain alumni association
Functions of Convocation Members
  • To further the interests of its Alma Mater
  • Foster and maintain a positive image of the University as a whole in the context of community and business interests.
  • To Take an interest in matters pertaining to the governance, administration, academic matters of the University and to make recommendations thereon.
  • To foster a spirit of belonging among Alumni
  • To Create in the Alumni, a sense of responsibility, obligation, and accountability towards the community in general
Functions of the Alumni Relations Office?
  • To enhance the image of the university and further its objectives by eliciting student participation in alumni programmes.
  • To provide administrative support for the Convocation and Alumni Association.
  • To play an important role in building up mutual beneficial relationships between graduates and their Alma Mater, students and staff.
  • To invite Alumni to exclusive alumni networking events, reunions, seminars and workshops.
  • To cultivate interest in alumni relations work amongst student while they ARE STILL ON CAMPUS.
  • To create awareness among students about the role that an alumni can play in furthering the objectives of the university. 
  • It is important for students to realize that final examinations and graduation is not the end of their relationship with MUT. While we support them with SOME of their desires, they will find that MUT has a lot to offer throughout their life cycle.
What does Alma Mater mean?
  • A University, College or School that one attended.
MUT Convocation objectives
  • Contribute towards the University’s good governance and to have a say in affairs of their Alma Mater
  • Serve as ambassadors for MUT
  • Uplift MUT Brand
  • Nature mutual beneficial relationships with MUT


Celebrating Alumni GEMS



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Notable Alumni

Roadshow 2018

Gauteng Convocation Chapter

Down Memory Lane


Connect With Us

Alumni Relations Officer

Modjadji Baloyi
[email protected]


031 907 7510