Senior students receive their Work Readiness Programme certificates


A lack of skills in today’s graduates puts students at a disadvantage job-wise and also costs South African organisations greatly. To address this, MUT’s Alumni Relations Office partnered with Young Leaders Academy, an organisation that provides leadership development programmes and workshops for diverse teams, and embarked on a journey to provide an environment where these skills can be developed before students face the world of work.

The Work Readiness Certification event took place on 8 November 2019 at the MUT Council Chamber. Thirty-nine senior students, some of which are final-year B.Tech students or are doing their advanced diplomas, attended the programme and were awarded their certificates of completion.

Employers look for soft and hard skills when considering a candidate’s job application. The Work Readiness Programme is an 8-week course designed to empower students with personal development skills which include, but are not limited to, personal branding, integrity and ethical leadership, critical thinking and the art of preparing an excellent CV. New entrants into the workplace face pressure of delivering on their job expectations as well as having to use their critical thinking skills to function successfully within any workplace.

The Vice-Chancellor and Principal, Dr Enoch Duma Malaza, and students expressed their gratitude to Iqraa Trust for their support in partnering with MUT on nation-building initiatives. Ngubelanga Nombulelo, a Human Resource final year student, said she felt honoured to receive a certificate that would not only help her in the corporate world, but also to face the world after graduating.

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Alumni Relations Officer

Modjadji Baloyi
[email protected]


031 907 7510