About this Department:
A university cannot be separated from its location. MUT is proudly embedded in Umlazi, and is conscious of its place and purpose: community engagement, development and upliftment.
The Community Engagement and Development Directorate therefore has undertaken a number of programmes to involve the Umlazi and wider community in its projects:
- Encouraging MUT staff and students to develop and implement Community Engagement project proposals;
- Creating networks that link MUT staff and students with community groups and structures;
- Organising training sessions that address identified community needs;
- Partnering with external stakeholders to celebrate special days such as International Mandela Day, Arbour Day, National Science Week, International Literacy Day and World Food Day.
- Organising and implementing an annual Community Engagement Day that is the centre of a number of community-based outreach projects, culminating in the annual Community Engagement Excellence Awards in November.

Professor Busisiwe Nkonki-Mandleni
Director: Community Engagement and Development Directorate (CEAD)
Tel: 031 819 9413 | Email: mandleni@mut-edu.com
Community Engagement at MUT is the mandate of the Community Engagement and Development Directorate (CEAD). The Directorate coordinates and supports all MUT Community Engagement and Development projects.
Our Vision
“Our vision as the Community Engagement and Development Directorate is to be a catalyst for community engagement and development, creating mutually-beneficial links between MUT and the Umlazi community for the benefit of both. We start by identifying needs within the community, then create and maintain relationships with all stakeholders in order to find ways to meet those needs, and develop programmes of teaching and learning, research and innovation, in order to uplift the community.”


Partnership Projects:
- Constant engagement with SASUF (South Africa/Swedish University Forum) on a number of collaborative projects
- Establishing a working relationship with Ethekwini Municipality for potential internships and placements
- Setting up a Digital Centre on campus in collaboration with the Moses Kotane Institute which will serve the Umlazi community
- Through the Dexter and Matu Zama Agricultural Academy, training communities in agricultural best practice, promoting environmental awareness and sustainable use of natural resources, co-ordinating transfer of technological skills, promoting entrepreneurial skills, sharing results of collaborative research and assisting the Academy in implementing the research findings.
- Further practical field-work and training to provide work experience to unemployed graduates through Agri-SETA
- Supporting the MUT community with the development of their Community Engagement project proposals
- Linking the MUT community with relevant community groups and structures
- Organizing training sessions that address identified community needs
- Coordinating various community development projects and
- In partnership with external stakeholders, coordinating the celebrations of special days such as International Mandela Day, Arbour Day, National Science Week, International Literacy Day and World Food Day.
Community Engagement and Development Project concept template
Community Engagement Bulletin 2018
Conceptual Framework for Community Engagement
Guidelines for Community Engagement Projects at MUT
Monitoring Tool for CE Projects- CEAD Representative
Monitoring Tool for Community Engagement Projects