With Hollywood Bet, a sport betting company, MUT’s Student counselling hosted a Student with Disabilities Workshop on 18 October 2024 on campus. Lydia Chamane said the workshop aimed to empower students with different types of disabilities “on issues of life after they have obtained their qualifications”. The students were addressed by two former students, who both live with disabilities. Guest speaker Sthenjwa Khenisa, a graduate with visual impairment, “navigated the employability of graduates with disabilities in the workplace”. Khenisa emphasized the importance of acquiring soft skills while on campus “which at a later stage becomes a tool in the turbulent economy of South Africa”; Sabelo Sibisi shared his academic journey while he was on campus as well as experiences in the Engineering field. Chamane said that Sibisi “proudly stated that the lessons he learnt on campus placed him in better position in the workplace”. Sibisi has a deformed hand.
There was also a panel of discussion that was facilitated by Dr Mthoko Ntuli, Student Development Officer at the Department of Student Affairs. The panel discussed overcoming barriers to employment in career planning for graduates with disabilities. Panellists included representatives from Hollywood Bets, Ubuhle People Solutions, eThekwini Municipality, Spar Group, MUT’s Department of Human Resources Management, the Student Counselling Unit, and the MUT Students with Disability organisation. Most of the panellists were former students with disabilities.
Chamane said the attendees thought the programme was informative, and it allowed them to better understand workplace dynamics and further, the importance of disclosing one’s disability status for the company to do the necessary preparations for them as people living with disabilities.