This week, as has become the case, the Department of Marketing and Communications delivered the wall calendars and copies of the Year Planner, and other publications to the family of the University Founder, Prince Mangosuthu Buthelezi. The calendars were delivered to Prince Mangosuthu Buthelezi Museum and Documentation Centre (PMBMDC) at Ulundi on 8 January 2025. The department makes this 254 kilometres, three hours and ten minutes trip every year to show the University’s gratitude towards the Buthelezi family. Zama Sishi, Acting Senior Director of the department said there are other reasons why they take this epic journey every January. “The Buthelezi family is continuing to support MUT even after the passing of HRH, Prince Buthelezi. This is a clear indication that they understand their father’s vision, which was to empower the nation through education. We are showing our appreciation of this continuing support by maintaining the relationship with the family by sharing MUT news – for instance we informed the family about the appointment of the Vice-Chancellor and Principal, and her inauguration, and delivering the calendars every year. The calendars are a sign that the University is executing is yearly plans as laid out in the Year Planner,” said Sishi.
The Curator at the PMBMDC, Zothani Buthelezi, received the calendars on behalf of the family. Zothani is the son of Prince Buthelezi’s late son, Prince Phumaphesheya Gregory Mthokozisi Buthelezi. Zothani said it was always a pleasure for them to receive the calendars from MUT. “I am passing words of gratitude on behalf the Prince Mangosuthu Buthelezi Museum and Documentation Centre. These are not just calendars; these show something deep and special – a spirit of love and unity between the two partners. It is truly a blessing that we are still united as before. Let’s continue holding each other’s hand,” said Zothani.