MUT joins local schools to celebrate ‘best grade 12 results since the dawn of democracy’

Velabahleke Principal, Bheki Mhlongo, addressing his excited learners about their results

Communication platforms are still abuzz with stories of how the country’s grade 12 learners – the Class of 2024, is celebrating their passing of this last Basic Education class. The celebrations are worth it; this is one of the rites of passage in the young people’s lives. Now they are going to step into another phase of their lives. The University’s Schools liaison division visited some of the schools to show them support and appreciation of their achievements. Members of the department went to Ndukwenhle High School, Menzi High School, and Velabahleke High School; all these Umlazi Township schools achieved a 100% pass rate. Sthembile Ndlovu, Schools Liaison Officer, said this was one of the motivating factors for the visit. “We supported some of these schools from the beginning of the year, and have had programmes together, we are so glad to see them doing so well,” said Ndlovu.

All principals of the schools said the primary secret of the 100% pass rate was adding extra time to the allotted contact teaching hours. All the schools’ grade 12 learners start their day at 6am and leave well after 4pm. The Principal of Ndukwenhle High School, Siyanda Mbonambi, said their focus was to keep improving. Unlike other schools that set entry requirements for grades eight, Ndukwenhle High enrols every child. “We do a baseline assessment when they are in”, said Mbonambi, adding that the outcome of the assessment determines where the learner is placed.

Bheki Mhlongo the Principal of Velabahleke High, said 283 grade 12 learners wrote their examination; 262 obtained bachelor passes, while 21 obtained diploma passes. “We worked hard. Our learners were disciplined. They arrived at 5.50 am. We had a programme for underachievers. We are employing the same strategy this year,” said Mhlongo. Mhlongo said that the school’s learners will now be all over the country where they will be studying – University of Cape Town, MUT, Stellenbosch University, Wits University.

Some of these learners will be the Mthembu twins, Kwazi and Lwazi. The 18-year-olds said they studied hard through the night. Kwazi obtained five distinctions, and Lwazi three. Lwazi said his first choice is Agriculture at MUT; his brother said he was still undecided about where to study but would like to study nursing. They said they appreciated the support from their parents. They come from Umlazi Township’s Section H.

Menzi High School Principal, Nozipho Ndlanya, thanked the learners for their effort, particularly because the school did not achieve a 100% pass rate in 2023. “We are back”, Ndlanya said, thanking the learners’ parents for their support, and adding that they worked as a team to steer the learners through the grade 12 programme. “We did not have a study break; we pushed our learners through the year until they sat for their examination,” said Ndlanya.