MUT gains insights from benchmarking visit to Mpumalanga university

Seated, Vice-Chancellors and Principals, Professor Thoko Mayekiso (UMP), fourth from left, and Professor Nokuthula Sibiya (MUT), fifth from left, and staff from their universities. Dr Liile Lekena-Bayaga is third from left

In August 2024, Professor Nokuthula Sibiya, the University Vice-Chancellor and Principal, requested staff to work with her to bring the required changes to the University. On 7 October 2024, some members of management accompanied the Vice-Chancellor and Principal on a benchmarking visit to the University of Mpumalanga (UMP). Dr Liile Lekena-Bayaga, Acting Senior Director of Institutional Planning and Research (DIPR), said the visit aimed to gather insights into UMP’s rapid institutional progress, focusing on strategic planning, programme qualification mix, governance, and infrastructure development.

Dr Liile Lekena-Bayaga said the delegation was “highly impressed” by UMP’s outstanding infrastructure, commitment to high standards, and strong international partnerships. “Particularly noteworthy were UMP’s achievements in maintaining unqualified audits, adhering to governance protocols, and completing infrastructure projects on time and within budget,” said Dr Liile Lekena-Bayaga. The MUT delegation also noted that UMP’s strong emphasis on entrepreneurship through its incubation centre which supports student and community business initiatives, was also a highlight.

Among the things the MUT team observed was how UMP generates its third-stream income. UMP has a 4.5-star hotel they used to generate revenue. The facility serves as a training ground for hospitality and culinary studies and generates third-stream income for the university. “It was remarkable to see how this project integrates teaching and learning with revenue generation,” said Dr Liile Lekena-Bayaga.

Focusing on third-stream income generation, Dr Connie Israel, Executive Director of institutional Advancement, said the integration of business models like UMP’s hotel within their teaching and learning framework is something they were excited to explore at MUT. Dr Israel said the initiative shows how innovation can support academic programmes and contribute significantly to generating revenue, reducing dependency on traditional funding streams. 

Commenting on what they observed, the MUT Vice-Chancellor and Principal remarked that it was “truly inspiring to see UMP’s progress in such a short time. Their achievements show that we can achieve great things with the right vision and commitment. MUT is on the same path, and I am confident that the lessons we have learned here will propel us forward.”

Dr Lekena-Bayaga had her observations. “UMP’s strategic planning and data-driven decision-making are models of institutional effectiveness. The clear alignment of UMP’s vision with tangible outcomes has inspired us to sharpen our strategic focus, ensuring that our 2026-2030 strategy is both ambitious and grounded in achievable goals. This visit has provided us with invaluable insights that will enhance our planning processes.”