Why Study Mechanical Engineering

A mechanical engineer is effectively an engineer who deals with machinery and moving parts – who understands how things work and how they fit together, from the tiniest micro-particle to the largest spacecraft, and even the human body. It is the oldest and broadest field of engineering.
Mechanical engineers design, create and maintain everything from micro-sensors, medical devices, computers, car engines, robots, appliances, sports equipment and aeroplanes. A diploma in Mechanical Engineering from MUT is vocational – that means it is a very practical and hands-on qualification designed directly for the workplace.
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About This Course

Diploma in Mechanical Engineering (MEENDI)
HEQSF Qualification Type: 63
SAQA Qualification ID: 72293
SAQA Credits: Minimum 360
CESM Code: 081501
NQF Level: 6
Duration: 3 years
Rationale for the Qualification
The Engineering profession contributes to the technological, socio-economic, built environment and environmental infrastructure of the country, facilitating socio-economic growth and sustainability The Diploma in Engineering Technology in Mechanical Engineering is primarily vocational, or industry oriented, characterised by underpinning theoretical knowledge and general principles and the application thereof to real situations or technology transfer. The qualification provides learners with a sound knowledge base in a field of Mechanical Engineering in response to the needs of the community, as well as local, regional, and national industry by producing competent graduates.
Statement of Purpose
The primary purpose of the diploma in Mechanical Engineering is to develop focused knowledge and skills as well as experience in a work-related context. The Diploma equips graduates with the knowledge base, theory, skills, and methodology of Mechanical Engineering as a foundation for further training and experience towards becoming a competent engineering technician. This foundation is achieved through a thorough grounding in mathematics and natural sciences specific to Mechanical Engineering, engineering sciences, engineering design and the ability to apply established methods. Engineering knowledge is complemented by methods for understanding of the impacts of engineering solutions on people and the environment. A student will be awarded with the qualification and will be able to register as a professional technician with the Engineering Council of South Africa (ECSA) when he/she has demonstrated the knowledge in Mechanical Engineering and the graduate attributes defined below.
Admission Requirements
i) National Senior Certificate (Grade 12) with rating codes:
- English Home Language (4)
- or English First Additional Language (4)
- Mathematics (4)
- Physical Science (4)
- Technical Drawing or equivalent (4)
- Additional recommended school subject: Mechanical Technology
ii) Senior Certificate or equivalent with a minimum symbol D (HG) or C (SG) in Mathematics, Physical Science, English and Technical Drawing. Additional recommended school subject: Mechanical Technology.
iii) Pass in all Pre-Tech subjects (6 subjects) with a minimum of 50% for each
iv) An appropriate N3 certificate with a minimum of four subjects passed at 50% each including Mathematics, Technical Drawing and Engineering Science and Grade 12 level English passed with at least symbol D(SG).
v) An appropriate GCE, GCSE, IGCSE, or Cambridge School Certificate with at least five subjects at GCE ‘O’ level including Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, English, and Technical Drawing, each being passed with an A, B or C symbol. Three of the five subjects must have been passed at the same examination sitting.
vi) NCV Admission Requirements
NCV Level 4 with a minimum of 50% pass in the following subjects:
- Three fundamental subjects which must include English and Mathematics and a minimum of 60% in the three compulsory subjects from the Engineering and Related Design programme plus Mechanical Draughting and Technology plus Physical Science.
NB: It is important to note that each student will be assessed on merit. All admissions are based on a selection process only!
- Transfer from Technical / FET Colleges
Students having passed subjects as listed below (with a minimum of 50% each) will be granted exemptions according to the Recognition of Prior Learning.
Technical/FET College Subjects | University Exempted Subjects |
Communication N4 | Communication Studies I |
Mathematics N4 and N5 | Mathematics I |
Mechanotechnics N5 | Mechanics I |
Mechanotechnics N6 | Mechanics of Machines II |
Power Machines N6 | Thermodynamics II |
Strength of Materials N6 | Strength of Materials II |
Mech Eng Drawing & Design N5 | Mech Eng Drawing I |
Mech Eng Drawing & Design N6 | Mech Eng Design II |
It is important to note that each student will be assessed on merit.
Applications for credits and exemptions must be submitted to the Head of Department before the registration date.
Duration of Study
The duration of the course is three years comprising two years academic studies at the University and one year Work Integrated Learning (Experiential Learning) in industry undertaken at an appropriate training provider, in accordance with a prescribed programme as stated in a logbook. Logbooks for Work Integrated Learning will be issued to students at the commencement of their training. Students who do not register for their Work Integrated Learning cannot be monitored and evaluated, resulting in the training not being recognised. It is the student’s responsibility to register for the training which must be done prior to commencement of training. A student can only register P1 after attending S4. Students who did not complete all the S4 courses must first get permission from the HOD to register for P1.
Diploma in Mechanical Engineering - Extended Curriculum (MEENEC)
HEQSF Qualification Type: 63
SAQA Qualification ID: 72293
SAQA Credits: Minimum 360
CESM Code: 081501
NQF Level: 6
4 years The minimum study period for the Diploma: Engineering: Mechanical is usually three years. However, students are usually under-prepared and complete the programme in 4, 5 or 6 years. A 4-year programme (also known as an Extended Curriculum programme) has been designed to provide structured support to students over a period of four years. A range of additional interventions are offered to students who are accepted in this programme. This programme has been a response to the well-known inequalities in South African society and to cater for varying levels of student preparedness. It ensures that sufficient support is provided during the initial years of study while guaranteeing the same exit standards as the 3-year programme.
The 4-year programme addresses gaps and disparities in students’ educational and life experience so that they can be better equipped to manage the Diploma programme. It also provides students with broad educational and life skills, including Mathematics, language literacy and subject knowledge. While students are mostly tutored separately in small classes in their first year, they undertake their studies and lectures as integral members of the Diploma student group. This programme in Mechanical Engineering is further unique and designed in such a way that after the first semester, students may transfer to similar programmes in Civil Engineering or Electrical Engineering without sacrificing time or quality of training.
Rationale for the Qualification
The Engineering profession contributes to the technological, socio-economic, built environment and environmental infrastructure of the country, facilitating socio-economic growth and sustainability The Diploma in Engineering Technology in Mechanical Engineering is primarily vocational, or industry oriented, characterised by underpinning theoretical knowledge and general principles and the application thereof to real situations or technology transfer. The qualification provides learners with a sound knowledge base in a field of Mechanical Engineering in response to the needs of the community, as well as local, regional and national industry by producing competent graduates.
Statement of Purpose
The primary purpose of the diploma in Mechanical Engineering is to develop focused knowledge and skills as well as experience in a work-related context. The Diploma equips graduates with the knowledge base, theory, skills and methodology of Mechanical Engineering as a foundation for further training and experience towards becoming a competent engineering technician. This foundation is achieved through a thorough grounding in mathematics and natural sciences specific to Mechanical Engineering, engineering sciences, engineering design and the ability to apply established methods. Engineering knowledge is complemented by methods for understanding of the impacts of engineering solutions on people and the environment. A student will be awarded with the qualification and will be able to register as a professional technician with the Engineering Council of South Africa (ECSA) when he/she has demonstrated the knowledge in Mechanical Engineering.
Admission Requirements
i) National Senior Certificate (Grade 12) with rating codes:
- English Home Language (4)
- or English First Additional Language (4)
- Mathematics (4)
- Physical Science (4)
- Technical Drawing or equivalent (4)
- Additional recommended school subject: Mechanical Technology
ii) Senior Certificate or equivalent with a minimum symbol D (HG) or C (SG) in Mathematics, Physical Science, English and Technical Drawing. Additional recommended school subject: Mechanical Technology.
iii) An appropriate N3 certificate with a minimum of four subjects passed at 50% each including Mathematics, Technical Drawing and Engineering Science and Grade 12 level English passed with at least symbol D(SG).
v) An appropriate GCE, GCSE, IGCSE, or Cambridge School Certificate with at least five subjects at GCE ‘O’ level including Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, English and Technical Drawing, each being passed with an A, B or C symbol. Three of the five subjects must have been passed at the same examination sitting.
vi) NCV Admission Requirements
NCV Level 4 with a minimum of 50% pass in the following subjects:
- Three fundamental subjects which must include English and Mathematics and a minimum of 60% in the three compulsory subjects from the Engineering and Related Design programme plus Physical Science.
NB: It is important to note that each student will be assessed on merit.
Duration of Study
4 years full time

Access Course: Mechanical Engineering (Pre-Tech course)
The course is a diploma-specific bridging course which prepares students for entry to the Diploma in Mechanical Engineering.
Admission Requirements
i) National Senior Certificate with rating codes:
- English Home Language (3)
- or English First Additional Language (3)
- Mathematics (3)
- Physical Science (3)
ii) Satisfactory achievement rating code (4) in their Home Language; A minimum of 130 total credits; with a maximum of 60 credits with “Partial Achievement”, at NQF Level 4 with a minimum of 50% pass in English, Mathematics and Physical Science.
iii) Grade 12 Certificate or equivalent, including passes in:
- Mathematics D (SG) / E (HG)
- Physical Science D (SG) / E (HG)
- English D (SG) / E (HG)
iv) A full N3 certificate (4 subjects including Mathematics and Physical Science with a minimum 50% pass for each) and Grade 12 English symbol D (SG).
v) An appropriate GCE, GCSE, IGCSE or Cambridge School certificate must have passed five approved ordinary level subjects including English Language, provided three subjects have been passed at the same examination sitting. Only symbols A, B or C are accepted as passes.
vi) NCV Admission Requirements
NCV Level 4 with a minimum of 50% pass in the following subjects:
- Three fundamental subjects which must include English and Mathematics and a minimum of 60% in the three compulsory subjects from the Engineering and Related Design programme plus Physical Science.
Duration of Study
Study will be for a period of six months.
Advanced Diploma in Mechanical Engineering (ADMECHEN)
SAQA Qualification ID: 119525
CESM Code: 081501
NQF Level: 7
SAQA Credits: Minimum 120
Rationale for the Qualification
The Engineering profession contributes to the technological, socio-economic, built environment and environmental infrastructure of the country, facilitating socio-economic growth and sustainability. The Advanced Diploma in Engineering Technology in Mechanical Engineering is primarily vocational, or industry oriented, characterized by underpinning theoretical knowledge and general principles and the application thereof to real situations or technology transfer.
The qualification provides students with a sound knowledge base in a field of Mechanical Engineering in response to the needs of the community, as well as local, regional, and national industry by producing competent graduates. A range of additional interventions are offered to students who are accepted in this programme. Such interventions include counselling and mentorship programmes.
The Advanced Diploma programme has been a response to the well-known inequalities in South African society and to cater for varying levels of student preparedness. It ensures that sufficient support is provided during the initial years of study while guaranteeing expected graduate attributes. The Advanced Diploma programme closes the gaps and disparities in students’ educational and life experience so that they can be better equipped to contribute the economy. It also provides students with broad educational and life skills, including Mathematics, mechanical engineering subject specific knowledge.
While students are mostly tutored separately in small groups, they undertake their studies and lectures as integral members of the Advanced Diploma student group. The Advanced Diploma programme in Mechanical Engineering is designed in such a way that after completing the programme, a student can progress to a bachelor’s in engineering technology Honours programme.
Statement of Purpose
The Advanced Diploma in Mechanical Engineering is intended for mechanical engineering practitioners who, on achieving this qualification, will be able to apply management, analytical and practical engineering techniques, and knowledge to conduct operations and solve problems in a mechanical engineering working environment in the areas of design, manufacturing, maintenance, environmental engineering and automation and control. The Advanced Diploma in Mechanical Engineering is aligned with ECSA prescribed standards, and the graduate must be able to demonstrate competence in the Graduate Attributes (GAs) 1 to 11. The graduate attributes are designed to meet the educational requirement towards registration as a Candidate or Professional Engineering Technician with the Engineering Council of South Africa and acceptance as a candidate to write the examinations for Certificated Engineers.
Admission Requirements
The admission to the proposed programme is subject to the MUT’s general academic admission rules and the specific requirements of the Faculty of Engineering. In addition, students must be in possession of:
- National Diploma in Mechanical Engineering (NQF Level 6).
- Diploma in Mechanical Engineering (NQF Level 6).
- An appropriate National Diploma in Mechanical Engineering equivalent to NQF Level 6.
- A cognate qualification in mechanical engineering equivalent to NQF level 6 – foreign qualifications approved by SAQA.
Please note, the intake of new students only takes place in the first semester.
Duration of Study
The minimum study period for the Advanced Diploma in Mechanical Engineering is one-year full time or two years part time.