Why study Electrical Engineering?

Our entire world is powered by electricity – it runs our communications, computing, industries, manufacturing, transport, and domestic households. Electrotechnologies influence every aspect of our lives. An electrical engineer, therefore, is involved in all aspects of the generation and use of electrical energy, from large projects such as power stations to delicate but life-changing innovations in telecommunication and information technology. An Electrical Engineer is usually a crucial part of an engineering team that can work on anything from space ships to oil rigs to video games.
Career opportunities
An electrical engineer can find work on most engineering projects and there are opportunities in the following fields:
Aerospace, automotive, construction, defence, fast-moving consumer goods, marine, materials and metals, oil and gas, pharmaceuticals, power generation, railways, utilities.
About this course

Diploma in Electrical Engineering
SAQA ID: 96856
NQF Level: 6
SAQA Credits: 360
Duration: 3 years
Qualification Code: ELENDI
Purpose and Rationale of the Qualification
A qualifying learner will be competent to apply technical knowledge, engineering principles and problem-solving techniques in the field of Electrical Engineering by operating within the relevant standards and codes in collaboration with other members of the engineering team. The qualified person will be able to register with the Engineering Council of South Africa (ECSA) as a Technician-in-Training in the field of Electrical Engineering.
Minimum Admission Requirements (3-year Diploma)
i) National Senior Certificate with rating codes:
- English Home Language (4)
- Or English First Additional Language (4)
- Mathematics (4)
- Physical Science (4)
ii) A pass in all subjects in the bridging programme offered by the Department of Electrical Engineering at Mangosuthu University of Technology (MUT).
iii) Senior Certificate or equivalent with a minimum subject-related symbol as follows:
- Physical Science C (SG) / D (HG)
- Mathematics C (SG) / D (HG)
- English C (SG) / D (HG)
iv) A minimum of 60% pass in N4 Engineering Science, Maths and two other electrical subjects, plus a Matric Certificate or equivalent with English (50% pass).
v) NCV Level 4 with a minimum of 50% pass in the following subjects: 3 Fundamental: English, Mat hematics (not Maths Literacy) and Life Orientation. A minimum of 60% in Physical Science and any two Electrical-related subjects, preferably Electrical Principles & Practice and Electronic Control & Digital Electronics.
vi) An appropriate GCE, GCSE, IGCSE or Cambridge School Certificate with at least five subjects at GCE ‘O’ level including Mathematics, Science and English that has been passed with an A, B or C symbol. Three of the five subjects must have been passed at the same examination sitting. This applies to learners from SADC countries.
vii) N5/ N6 – Not considered for registration purposes or credit/exemption purposes.
Please take note of the following:
- Selection will be based on merit and availability of space.
- Meeting the minimum requirements does not, in any way, guarantee admission.
Students with technical College qualifications can apply to be considered for the granting of exemptions according to the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) as listed below if they have passed with a minimum of 50% in every subject.
Technical/FET College Subjects | University Exempted Subjects |
Communication N4 and N5 | Communication Skills I |
Computer Principles N4 and N5 | Computer Skills I |
Mathematics N4 and N5 | Mathematics I |
Industrial Electronics N4 and N5 | Electronics I |
Digital Electronics N4 and N5 | Digital Systems I |
Electrotechnics N4 and N5 | Electrical Engineering I |
Engineering Science N4 and N5 | Physics I |
Strength of Materials and Structures N4 and N5 | Strength of Materials II |
Duration of Study
Three years, consisting of Four Semesters (S1, S2, S3 & S4) of formal time (full-time study at the University) over a minimum of two years, and two semesters (P1 & P2) of experiential time (in-service training) undertaken at an accredited training provider/employer over one year, in accordance with a prescribed syllabus, and subject to the University’s evaluation and approval.
- Electrical Engineering Practice I (P1) may be done after successful completion of ALL S1, S2, S3 and S4 subjects.
- Electrical Engineering Practice II (P2) must be done after the successful completion of P1.
- Electrical Engineering Practice (P1 or P2) must be registered on the date the training commences.
Diploma in Electrical Engineering (4 Year Programme)
NQF Level: 6
SAQA Credit: 390
Duration: 4 years
Qualification Code: ELENEC (4-year Diploma) (Extended Curriculum Program)
A 4-year Extended Curriculum Programme (ECP) is designed to provide structured support for underprepared learners. It ensures that sufficient support is provided during the initial year of study while guaranteeing the same exit standards as the 3-year programme. The first year is generic to Electrical, Civil and Mechanical Engineering. In the second year, the first semester of study, the learner joins the S1 level of the chosen field, i.e. Electrical, Civil or Mechanical Engineering. After acquiring the required skills and knowledge from year 1, the learner follows the same programme as the 3-year Diploma Programme.
Purpose and Rationale of the Qualification
A qualifying learner will be competent to apply technical knowledge, engineering principles and problem-solving techniques in the field of Electrical Engineering by operating within the relevant standards and codes in collaboration with other members of the engineering team. The qualified person will be able to register with the Engineering Council of South Africa (ECSA) as a Technician-in-Training in the field of Electrical Engineering.
Minimum Admission Requirements (4-year Diploma)
i) National Senior Certificate with rating codes:
- English Home Language (4)
- Or English First Additional Language (4)
- Mathematics (4)
- Physical Science (4)
ii) Senior Certificate or equivalent with a minimum subject-related symbol as follows:
- Physical Science C (SG) / D (HG)
- Mathematics C (SG) / D (HG)
- English C (SG) / D (HG)
iii) A minimum of 60% pass in N4 Engineering Science, Maths and two other electrical subjects, plus a Matric Certificate or equivalent with English (50% pass).
iv) NCV Level 4 with a minimum of 50% pass in the following subjects: 3 Fundamental: English, Mathematics (not Maths Literacy) and Life Orientation. A minimum of 60% in Physical Science and any two Electricalrelated subjects, preferably Electrical Principles & Practice and Electronic Control & Digital Electronics.
v) An appropriate GCE, GCSE, IGCSE or Cambridge School Certificate with at least five subjects at GCE ‘O’ level including Mathematics, Science and English that has been passed with an A, B or C symbol. Three of the five subjects must have been passed at the same examination sitting. This applies to learners from SADC countries.
vi) N5 and/or N6 – Not considered for registration purposes or credit/exemption purposes.
Please take note of the following:
- Selection will be based on merit and availability of space.
- Meeting the minimum requirements does not, in any way, guarantee admission.
Students with technical College qualifications can apply to be considered for the granting of exemptions according to the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) as listed below if they have passed with a minimum of 50% in every subject.
Technical/FET College Subjects | University Exempted Subjects |
Communication N4 and N5 | Communication Skills I |
Computer Principles N4 and N5 | Computer Skills I |
Mathematics N4 and N5 | Mathematics I |
Industrial Electronics N4 and N5 | Electronics I |
Digital Electronics N4 and N5 | Digital Systems I |
Electrotechnics N4 and N5 | Electrical Engineering I |
Engineering Science N4 and N5 | Physics I |
Strength of Materials and Structures N4 and N5 | Strength of Materials II |
Duration of Study
Three years consisting of Four Semesters (S1, S2, S3 & S4) of formal time (full-time study at the University) over a minimum two years, and two semesters (P1 & P2) of experiential time (in-service training) undertaken at an accredited training provider/employer over one year, in accordance with a prescribed syllabus, and subject to the University’s evaluation and approval.
- Electrical Engineering Practice I (P1) may be done after successful completion of all S1, S2, S3 and S4 subjects.
- Electrical Engineering Practice II (P2) must be done after successful completion of P1.
- Electrical Engineering Practice (P1 or P2) must be registered on the date the training commences.

Pre-Technician Programme
The course is a bridging programme which prepares learners for entry to the Diploma in Electrical Engineering.
Entry Requirements
i) National Senior Certificate with rating codes:
- English Home Language (3)
- Or English First Additional Language (3)
- Mathematics (3)
- Physical Science (3)
ii) Senior Certificate or equivalent with a minimum subject-related symbol as follows:
- Physical Science D (SG) / E (HG)
- Mathematics D (SG) / E (HG)
- English D (SG) / E (HG)
Please take note of the following:
- Selection may be based on merit and availability of space.
- Meeting the minimum requirements does not, in any way, guarantee admission.
Diploma Entry Requirements
Learners who pass the Pre-Technician programme will gain access into the Diploma Programme subject to the learner passing all subjects in this programme.