Why study Construction Management?

A construction engineer, or site engineer, is responsible for pulling together all the different engineering disciplines on a large project such as a bridge or stadium. It includes drafting blueprints, working with architects, managing design and construction teams, and supervising building processes. managing budgets and inspecting progress. A construction engineer needs technical competence and expertise, but also managerial skills, organisational abilities, and problem-solving insights. Large construction projects are complex and collaborative efforts, so the construction engineer must complete a project on time, within budget, and up to industry standards of safety and quality.
Career opportunities
There is a huge demand for good construction engineers, and you can either join a major construction firm or work as a consultant. It is crucial to become a member of an accreditation body. One can also specialise in this field: a Construction Engineer who deals with different phases of a large contract or a Site Engineer who oversees all of them; a Construction Estimator who prepares and updates cost estimates; an Engineering Analyst who analyses all aspects of the project to devise better mechanisms; or the engineer specifically concerned with safety, security or environmental compliance.
Quantity Surveying

Interpretation of drawings as well as coordinate schedules from the different professional teams, step to step procedure of preparing a Bill of Quantities and measuring principles, including squaring, abstracting and billing as well as measurement of the relevant super structure trades including superstructure brickwork with face brick and gable ends, timber roof truss construction finishes to eaves as well as rainwater goods and roof coverings. Basic finishes including wall plaster, paint and tiling, floor finishes with screed and various floor coverings. Ceiling finishes with plastered board ceilings on brandering as well as stock steel, timber and 10 aluminum windows; stock hollowed core and hardwood doors along with timber and metal door frames and ironmongery. Adjustments for door and window openings are included along with sanitary fittings under plumbing.