Empowered Administrators Conference (EAC) 2024

EAC News

Engage and Discover

Discover latest trends! Improve your skills set and learn new technology trends to improve efficiency. Learn how to start conversations with your peers during EAC breaks and at the gala dinner. Show curiosity about what others are doing. Engage and discover new opportunities. Don’t be afraid to use this time to tell your peers about your career aspirations, interests and most importantly, pay attention to what they are doing.

Be Inspired

Meet your academic and professional heroes and share best practices and innovative ideas with a community of administrative professionals. Additionally, connect with prospective service providers offering solutions relevant to YOUR needs.

Experience the EAC

The EAC prides itself with offering a unique conference experience in some of the best conference venues in Durban. It brings together some of the best industry professionals as keynote speakers and attracts diverse groups of delegates. This gives Administrators a chance to learn about the latest innovations, share new ideas and best practices, meet influencers and industry experts face to face.


For more than eight years of the EAC’s existence we have spoken about bringing effective and efficient support to our offices, line managers and organisations we work for. To a certain extent, we have managed to achieve those. We have excelled and been rewarded with promotions, awards, and recognition.
However, there is no better time than now. Now, it erodes all the achievements we have ever attained. Now is the time to consolidate everything we have learned and become even more efficient and effective.


Welcome to the Empowered Administrators Conference 2024!

You have mastered the art of taking critical decisions, you are an asset to your department and you provide innovative solutions. Now is your time to elevate these skills to another level. Join EAC 2024 to accumulate new strategies that will make you bolder and more resilient as an office professional.


  1. The power of resource optimisation
  2. Become a change-maker
  3. Master Artificial Intelligence
  4. The office we want
  5. Creating an experience – how you make people feel 
  6. Change starts in my space
  7. Following up and following through
  8. First encounter stakeholder engagements
  9. Understanding the policy landscape
  10. Communication support for the line manager
  11. Office events and budgets
Mbali Mkhize
Conference Convener

Top 10 Reasons to attend EAC

  1. We are pulling all stops to offer you new skills and competencies in office administration and management.
  2. An opportunity for you to be Lockdown-ready. Don’t be caught out.
  3. We are offering you an opportunity to understand behavioural changes we need to adopt during and post the COVID-19 era.
  4. This is a time to reconnect with your peers face-to-face.
  5. Take time out of the office to learn new things – there is a better world outside and online.
  6. Network and socialise.
  7. Opportunity to pamper yourself as you come out of working from home.
  8. Learn the hybrid office techniques and upskill on the physical office tactics.
  9. Opportunity to renew yourself, re-energise and revisit your office cognitive skills.
  10. Re-learn Appreciative Inquiry 101.

The EAC Awards

The awards are a platform the conveners of the conference created to honour and reward various aspects of an administrators’ work. Good work has to be positively acknowledged so as to inspire administrators to stay on focus, deliver better outputs and give their clients a positive experience. From the front office administrator to the ones who work behind the scenes, the administrators’ work is about getting things done for the benefit of their clients. Clients’ needs are ever changing in line with technological changes and annual programmes, these place demands on administrators that these awards seek to reward. The awards are in four categories; Customer-Centric, Ubuntu, Techno-Savvy and Brand Ambassador.

Customers are the reason we do business.

Customer Centric Award

Umuntu ngumuntu ngabantu.


Technology is here to stay.


Brands have identity,

Brand ambassador Award


Professor Nokuthula Sibiya, Vice-Chancellor & Principal, Mangosuthu University of Technology 

Professor Nokuthula Sibiya’s life and work embody the true essence of heroism through consistent, dedicated efforts to uplift her community. Born and raised in Umlazi, she has a deep connection to her roots and has faced socio-economic challenges firsthand. Her journey from a nurse to a distinguished academic leader is marked by a profound commitment to education, community health, and women’s empowerment. During her tenure as Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Research, Innovation & Engagement, she has been instrumental in shaping the university’s community-focused strategy.

EAC-Beverley NT Naris

Beverley NT Naris

Beverley NT Naris is a very energetic and industrious amongst other qualities, Beverley likes to “get things done”.

Since Covid-19, having been left without a job when her company was liquidated — Ms. Naris has moved from being a Producer ‘overnight’ for a TV production set, worked as an acting Station Manager for a start-up digital online radio station, been an Assistant Facilitator for Change Management training for Executives and has been exposed to assembling a Local Music event. It is fair to say that she is versatile in her experiences.

Professionally, she is currently an Executive Assistant for an Oil and Gas company. Previously a Production Manager | Project manager for an up-and-coming production house. A volunteer member at an NGO that gives shoes to the needy and was formally a Cabin Attendant and Inflight Catering Supervisor.

Beverley avails herself to any spaces and enterprises that speak to her personal growth and vision. Always open to learning and growing.

Ntombi Mlambo

Ntombi Mlambo began her legal profession in 2009 after graduating from the University of Pretoria with an LLB. In 2010, she began her articles at Eversheds International, where she worked in the Commercial Litigation and Labour Departments.  After relocating to Cape Town in March 2011, she joined Gunstons Standvik Mlambo Attorneys (GSM), formerly known as Gunston Standvik Attorneys (GSA) before becoming a partner. She oversaw the Johannesburg and Durban branches as Managing Director. While at GSM, Ntombi was also the head of the Commercial and Litigation department. She has handled various high-profile matters for a variety of high-net-worth and large business clients at Eversheds International and GSM Law, respectively. She obtained her LLM in Commercial Law from the University of Cape Town in 2016. She is also a University of Cape Town certificate holder in Insurance Law. She also serves on the boards of several corporations and non-governmental organizations. Thus making her a force to be reckoned with.

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Kershni Dhavraj

Kershni’s journey is truly inspiring, from her extensive experience at DUT to starting her own business, RedCarpet Consulting. Her work in mentoring young girls and her involvement in Women in Business Networking events show her dedication to empowering others.

With her aspirations to go International and her upcoming Radio show on Women Empowerment, it seems she’s set to make a significant impact on many fronts. From her dedication to empowerment and growth, It’s clear that her efforts are paving the way for significant contributions both locally and potentially on a global scale. She’s definitely a role model for many, and her future endeavours will surely inspire even more people.

Professionally, Kershni holds a B-Tech in Management and has worked in the Academic Environment for 19 years. Previous to that, she had been a Teacher at Atholton Primary School. She was also a Trainee Constable in the SAPS and wears many hats aside from her biggest Achievement, being a Mother. Setting the standard high is never easy but she lives by a verse from Whitney Houston’s Lyrics in “One Moment in Time”  which says  “ You’re a Winner for a Lifetime, If you seize one moment in time, Make it Shine”

EAC-Sandile Mahlaba

Sandile Mahlaba 

Past and Work Experience: Sandile is from uMlazi in Durban. He is a proud Alumnus of Ogwini Technical High School and MUT to which he is also ensuring his impact is being made. He also studied at the Thabo Mbeki African Leadership Institute and Walter Sisulu Leadership Academy. His volunteer work includes being a Community Police Forum member as sector chair, Board advisor for AIESEC in South Africa, many more youth development and Community development projects and programmes. He is the Patron of GoDigitalSA Foundation having co-founded it to ensure that the digital transformation is implemented in schools across the country and the continent.

Current position: Sandile Mahlaba, is currently working as the Provincial PS Executive FOR KZN & MPL in a leading global company in the Technology Sector. He is also responsible for Digital Transformation in the Government Sector.

Current Company/ organisation you are working for: Microsoft South Africa
Sandile Mahlaba is a leader of radical digital transformation/revolution in Government. He is a distinguished community Leader and Business Professional with great insight in youth and community development, leadership in several community structures. Sandile is known for his thought leadership in politics, community development, and business transformation modelling. Mentor and Coach to young community leaders and advisor to leaders in government. Epic Speaker, Trainer and Transformational Strategist with the edge in the 4th Industrial Revolution Thought Leadership & Digital Transformation Agenda.

Fun Fact: Get excited by new technology!

Remember me
A quote from you: “The world is advancing with the 4th Industrial Revolution and beyond. Digital transformation is happening every day, and we have an opportunity to learn a new digital skill to stay relevant. We are all in the journey of Digital Transformation, lets support each other to learn. “EachOne TeachOne”


Katy Katopodis

Katy is a highly experienced and accomplished, award-winning journalist and editor with a media career spanning over two decades.

Katy is currently the Editor-in-Chief of Kaya News on Kaya 959 in Johannesburg.

She’s the co-founder and co-CEO of Mega Media Group.

Katy is the chairperson of the South African National Editors’ Forum’s (SANEF) Journalism Safety and Wellness Committee. 

In 2023 she won the highly prestigious “Woman In Media” Award.

Katy has lead two of the biggest newsrooms in SA – namely Eyewitness News (EWN) and more recently Newzroom Afrika.

As a strong advocate for media freedom, Katy is widely considered a respected editor and journalist who always operates from a basis of credibility and integrity. 

She’s an accomplished public speaker and her public appearances over the years have included giving speeches on a wide range of topics of a professional and personal nature.

Katy is a published author of “I’m Missing News” – a deeply personal account of how to find balance and managing motherhood and family with the world of Breaking News.

More recently she gave a TEDx talk titled “What’s the Formula”.

During her career, she’s excelled at strategy and forward-planning, and has run her career with the same adroitness that she has her newsrooms – transforming risks into opportunities.

EAC--Teboho Semmelink

Teboho Semmelink

From: Born and grew-up pre-teens in Lesotho, High School and Varsity in Cape Town South Africa

Fun Fact about you: Old School Jammer, Authored a few published short stories

Past and Work Experience: SEMTAAK Accommodation and Projects SA Co-Founder and Director, SEMTAAK Lesotho Founder and Director, Moya Events Project Management and Marketing(EPM) Founder and MD – PCO in the MICE industry, focussed on conference and event management, for over 20 years. Work as Program Manager at loveLife (HIV & leader in Youth Health Promotion), Business Development Manager at Mashalaba HR. Franchisee Business Network South Africa Midrand.

A social Entrepreneur who is passionate about the development of youth and community. With more than 10 years in youth and community development. Junior Chamber International Senator.

Current position: Chief Operating Officer (COO) & Co-Founder

Current Company/ organisation you are working for: GoDigitalSA Foundation

Remember me
A quote from you: “Knowledge is power, love is wealth, attitude keeps you youthful, and your roots keep you grounded. Family is everything, and humanity is family. Embrace these values to unlock your fullest potential and navigate life’s journey with strength, compassion, and grace.”


The focus of the 2024 Empowered Administrators Conference (EAC) is building agile office administrators who rise to challenges, and can strike a balance in their work, home, and life in general. An agile office administrator has a positive outlook on life and has a set of goals to achieve within a set timeframe.

8h00-8h45: Registration and accreditation

8h45-9h00: Welcome and introductions: MUT Vice-Chancellor and Principal


Theme 1 | Become a change-maker


Setting the tone: Don’t shoot your mouth off without understanding context.

Office professionals are seen as being in the inner circle. They have access to very important information but need to manage that information professionally and strategically. Administrators need to know when to disclose or not to disclose information. There is power in understanding context and there is power in proactive communication.

This session will expose office professionals to the importance of understanding the context and limitations of what should be communicated, or not communicated, and to whom.


9h45-10h30: Which stakeholders matter and why do they matter?

In today’s busy office climate where the communication channels have grown out of proportion, it is easy to lose sight of stewarding relations with stakeholders. Failure to do this could result in stakeholders having negative perceptions towards a particular office. Unless there is a certain intentionality in nurturing relations with stakeholders, an organisation may lose out on optimising its relations with stakeholders.

This session will empower office professionals in developing different stakeholder databases to help improve communication with stakeholders. This is a key component of creating positive stakeholder relationships and perceptions. Sit back and relax as you listen to a renowned database management provider take you through a database management process and see how this could relate to your office management processes.


10h30-11h00: Tea break


Theme 2 | Taking control of Artificial Intelligence (AI)


There have been a lot of debates surrounding the effectiveness of AI, and how the work of office professionals is continuously becoming redundant because of the AI takeover. This session will focus on how AI could assist office professionals to reach their daily goals. The session will cover aspects on how AI could augment the work of office professionals in ensuring that they can work smarter, not harder. The session will focus on the following:

  • Designing chatbots and virtual office assistants;
  • Assistance with bespoke emails;
  • Assistance with translations;
  • Assistance with creating error-free documents; and
  • A look on IA legislation and policy implications.



Many office professionals are tasked with preparing PowerPoint presentations for their line managers. The time has come to show that you can meet the GenZ skills. This session will focus on how AI could help generate professionally designed presentations that are well formatted and have slide shows that include a mix of still, moving, and animated images. Delegates will learn how to customise the look and feel of the presentation, as well as how to make a PowerPoint presentation come to life, using AI images.


12h45-13h30: Lunch

Theme 3 | Resource optimisation


The office professional has wide-ranging resources that they should tap into to improve efficiency and productivity in the office. This workshop will focus on using Office 365 and will have the following key components:

  • How to create Microsoft forms for surveys, registrations, and questionnaires;
  • How to create lists of contacts, assets, and inventory;
  • MS Planner: How to optimise teamwork, create new plans, as well as organise and assign tasks;
  • Microsoft Stream: Focusing on how to upload, view and share videos securely; and
  • Microsoft To Do: This section will enable office professionals to learn how to share lists, and to sync tasks across Outlook and Teams.


Gala dinner: 18h00-21h00

Theme 4 | The Office we want

8h30-9h00: Reflections on the previous day’s proceedings

9h00-10h30: Creating the ideal office ambience 

Office professionals are the first port of call and custodians of their departments, divisions, and offices.  They carry the responsibility to create an inviting and customer-centric environment. This session will allow office professionals to design a prototype of the office they want while adapting the existing furniture. To what extent can office professionals rearrange, restructure, and reorganise their spaces? What should be discarded or what should be procured on a tight string budget? An expert will take delegates on a crash course on office ergonomics.  Working in groups of 10, office professionals will use the provided resources to create an ideal office environment that will make them more productive and comfortable; even during the times of virtual communication, offices still need to be beautiful, and welcoming.


Tea break: 10h30-11h00


11h00-12h00: Understanding Policy and Accountability

As part of risk management and improving the effectiveness of their office, office professionals need to play an important role in compliance with policies. The office professionals need to be well-versed with policies such as procurement policies, social media policies, HR-related policies, and the code of conduct of their organisations. The rationale for this is that most of the challenges managers face usually stem from a lack of compliance with these policies. This session will explore challenges faced by office professionals in the execution of some of these policies and will also demonstrate how office professionals could be empowered to challenge any decisions contravening their organisation’s policies, both by internal and external stakeholders.  

12h00-12h45:  Emboldened and empowered voice training

An empowered office professional should be able to speak with authority to legitimise communications coming from the office they represent. This session will involve teaching office professionals how to use their voice, speech, and body, and general body language, to communicate effectively. These vocal lessons will work to improve your speaking voice and stage presence, so you can speak well in front of any audience. This session will help you use concise language, as well as employ different communication styles and techniques to build rapport with others.

12h45-13h30: Lunch


Theme 5 | Taking “initiative” to its height (concurrent sessions)


13h30-14h30: Communication support for the line manager, office events, and budget

There is no office without its events, be it small or large events. An office professional is expected to play a key role in the planning, management, and administrative functions of such events. This session will focus on planning an event on a tight budget, and to allow office professionals to ask themselves if there is a need of such an event. Three key elements will be discussed:

  • Event rationale, budget, and plan;
  • Event theme and rationale;
  • Event plan and scheduling;
  • Contacts’ database; and
  • Event evaluation and monitoring.

13h30-14h30: Project management (Case study – serving multiple bosses)

Several office professionals have previously reported how difficult it is to serve multiple bosses. This session will focus on how to integrate projects. Some key competencies to be discussed include:

  • Prioritisation and delegating;
  • Optimising your time, energy, and resources;
  • Avoiding unnecessary stress and burnout;
  • Being flexible and adaptable; and
  • Evaluation of your strengths and skills.

14h30-15h30: Plenary session

Resilience breeds success.  Taking charge of problems and solving them before escalating them. This section will allow office professionals to discuss case studies brought up in the evaluation forms. Most of the responses to the evaluation forms dealt with a need for improvement on how they could be more resilient and be able to overcome those challenges.  Practical solutions to make the life of your line manager easier. This session will be presented by a panel of office professionals and facilitated by a seasoned HR practitioner.


A very BIG thank you for an exhilarating, adrenaline-charged conference experience of empowerment for us office administrators….I see Brenda strutting her stuff down the passage very confidently these days

We thoroughly enjoyed all sessions with such cutting-edge speakers which we could identify ourselves in similar scenarios.

Was definitely worth the drive to and from Pietermaritzburg

Looking forward to 2023 EAC Conference

Our Sponsors

Contact Details

Nganele Dube
General  queries
[email protected]
031 907 7217

Jade Mthiyane
Conference Coordinator
Payments & Invoices
[email protected]
060 753 2476


Mbali Mkhize
Conference Convener
[email protected]
031 907 7347

Zama Sishi
Conference Convener
[email protected]
031 907 7161